Slope vs Slope Intercept Form vs Point Slope Form

Slope intercept is an algebra topic. Linear equations of straight lines used slope-intercept form. It is a pretty simple topic in which we have to find slope and y-intercept and draw a graph. Everyone easily finds the slope and y-intercept.

What is Slope?

The slope is the measure of the steepness of the line. A slope of the line is a number that describes both the direction and steepness of a line. It is also known as a gradient.

Slope is denoted by a letter m.

Slope is calculated by finding the ratio of vertical change to the horizontal change between any two distinct points on a line. This online slope calculator can ease up your slope calculations and draw a graph with the given input.


Slope = \frac{Rise}{Run}= \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}= \frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}


Find the slope of the points (11, 14), (12, 15)?


We know that (), ()

From the given points we have:

^{x_1}= 11

^{x_2}= 12

_{y_1}= 14

^{y_2}= 15

We have the formula of finding the slope

m = \tfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}

by putting the values, we get

m= \frac{15-14}{12-11}

= \frac{1}{1}= 1

Hence the slope m = 1


Find the slope of the points (21, -14), (12, -15)?


We know that point (), ()

From the given points we have:




^{y_2}= -15

We have the formula of finding the slope:

m = \tfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}

by putting the values, we get

m = \tfrac{-15-(-14)}{12-21}

= \frac{-15+14}{12-21}

= \frac{-1}{-9}

= \frac{1}{9}

Hence the slope m= \tfrac{1}{9}

What is the Slope Intercept form?

It is the most frequent way to represent the equation of a line.

The equation of a straight line in the form of

y = mx + b

Where m is the slope of line and b is its y-intercept is known as slope-intercept form.


If you know the slope m and y-intercept (0, b) of a line you can write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form.


What is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form?

y = -5x + 3


From the given equation we have

m = -5 (slope)

b = 3 (y-intercept)

The line is decreasing from left to right due to a negative slope.

And passing at point (0, 3) through the y-axis.

You can refer to the slope intercept form calculator for step-by-step calculation.


What is the slope-intercept form of a line passing through the points (21, -14) and (12, -15)?


We know that points (), ()

From the given points we have




^{y_2}= -15

We have the formula of finding the slope

m = \tfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}

by putting the values, we get

m= \tfrac{-15-(-14)}{12-21}

= \frac{-15+14}{12-21}

= \frac{-1}{-9}

= \frac{1}{9}

Hence the slope m= \tfrac{1}{9}

Put the value of m in the equation of the slope-intercept form

^{y}= mx+b


Now put any point to this equation

Let us put the points (12, -15)

-15 = 1/( 9)(12)+ b

-15 - 1/( 9)(12) = b

-15 - 4/( 3) = b

- 49/( 3) = b

Put the value of b in slope equation

y = 1/( 9) x+ - 49/( 3)

What is Point slope form?

The equation of a straight line in the form of

y – y1 = m (x – x1)

Where m is the slope of line and (x1, y1) are the coordinates of a given point on the line. This equation is known as point slope form


Find the point slope form of the point (21, -14) at m = 1?


We know that point ()

From given points we have



We have the formula of finding the point-slope form:

y_ -y_1=m (x_ -x_1)

By putting the values, we get

y_ -(-14)=1 (x_ -21)

y_ +14= x_ -21

y_ = x_ -21-14

y_ = x_ -35

Here m = 1 and b = -35


Find the point slope form of the point (12, 15) at m=1/9?


We know that point ()

From given points we have



We have the formula of finding the point slope form

y_ -y_1=m (x_ -x_1)

By putting the values, we get

y_ -15=1/9 (x_ -12)

y_ -15=1/9 x_ -12/9

y =\frac{1}{9x}x-\frac{4}{3}+15

y =\frac{1}{9} x -\frac{41}{3}

Here m = 1/9 and b = -41/3

Two-point slope form:

The equation of straight line in the form of

y -y_1=\tfrac{y2-y1}{x2-x1}(x_ -x_1)


y -y_2=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1}(x_ -x_2)

These equations are known as two-point slope form.

Keep (x, y) as variable and (), () are points

This equation also be written as

\left (\frac{y-y1}{y2-y1}= \frac{x-x1}{x2-x1} \right )


Find the point slope form of the point (21, -14), (12, -15)?


We know that point (), ()

From given points we have





We have the formula of finding the point-slope form:

y_ -y_2=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1}(x -x_2)

By putting the values, we get:

y -15=\frac{-15-(-14))}{12-21}(x -12)

y -15=\frac{-15+14}{12-21}(x -12)

y -15=\frac{-1}{-9}(x -12)

y -15=\frac{1}{9}(x -12)

y -15=\frac{1}{9}x-\frac{12}{9}

y =\frac{1}{9}x-\frac{4}{3}+15


Here m = 1/9 and b = – 41/3.